
Nappy You Here

It is now the second day of 2007 and I am sitting here drinking coffee and gearing myself up for work. It's been 10 days since I've been into my office. This quarter looks to be a busy one for me. I hope I have time to accomplish the following in the next year:
1. Work out more. Gail has managed to get me to do some yoga with her at home. I would like to continue doing that. But, I would also like to make my way to the gym more often. I am getting to a point in my life where I need to do something active like running or biking. My pants are getting tighter every day.
2. Write more. To this end I have a couple of plans. The first is already in motion. I have two book reviews due to a journal by the end of February. And, it looks like I might have three more lined up throughout the year. The second plan is to be more intentional about blogging on both sites (this one and katagrapho). On this site I would like to establish a weekly routine. Here's what I am thinking.

  • Mondays - Pic of the week (probably something snapped over the weekend)
  • Tuesdays - Tunes (get it? Tuesday is Tunesday?)
  • Wednesdays - The world of religion (for those of us who grew up going to Wed. night church)
  • Thursdays - The world of politics (I'll need to pay better attention)
  • Fridays - Something from the web (fun computer stuff, gadgets, websites, etc.)
  • Weekends - whatever or nothing at all
To get things started today, I updated my list of top albums of the year. I dated it yesterday, but it was updated today, Tunesday.

Of course, I will likely interject something from outside these daily topics from time to time. What are your resolutions?

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